Taekwon-Do FAQ
Q- I'm over 40, Can I still do Taekwon-Do
A- YES , Taekwon-Do is great for anyone & our classes cater to everyone 5 years old and up!
Q- Can I try Taekwon-Do free before I join?
A- Yes, you will have a free trial period before you decide whether to join.
Q- Do i need a uniform (do-bok) as soon as I start/join?
A- No, a Uniform is only required for gradings or entering Competitions, Uniforms are available from the Instructor.
Q- Do I need to book my first lesson and trial?
A- You can just show up but it is best to let us know you are coming so we can greet you and explain a little about whats going to happen in the session.
Q- What do I need to bring to my first lesson?
A- Loose fitting clothing, a large drink bottle of water and a willingness to learn and have fun.
Q- What's the cost?
A - Please select the club you are wanting to attend, from the clubs page for the costs.