Information for your first session
All the clubs offer a free trial, no matter what your age/ level of fitness and experience. This is to give you an idea of what our sessions are like and if you are interested in going further. You are also welcome to come along before trying the sessions out and watch from the back if this is more comfortable for you
It is normal to be nervous when you first try something new. We understand that and do our best to make you feel comfortable, no matter what your age or current level of fitness.
On your first lesson wear loose, comfortable clothing (such as shorts or track pants and t-shirt), remove your jewellery (for safety reasons), and bring a bottle of drinking water.
Feel free to ask questions before and after the class but please try to limit talking during the class out of respect to the instructor and other members training.
It is a standard of courtesy within Taekwon-Do that we address each other as Sir, Ma'am, Dr etc and the courtesy is expected back in return. Answering questions with Yes Sir or No Sir is a polite way to show you do or do not understand.
If you have a question raise your hand and we will endeavour to answer it for you.
It's not compulsory to book in advance, but when possible it is appreciated so we can make sure there is a senior around to help you out wherever possible.
To register your attendance please email info@jungshin.org.nz
Please fill out this form and bring it with you to speed up the registration process and get you training faster!
Glenfield, Taekwon-Do, North Shore, Taekwondo, Tae Kwon Do, tae-kwondo, tai kwon do, tea kwon do, martial arts, marshal arts, marshall arts, karate, fitness, self defence, self defense, kick boxing, kickboxing, boxing, mma, BJJ, jiu jitsu, kids martial arts,