Jungshin Taekwon-Do
Jungshin Taekwon-Do was established in February 1991 by Vince & Shirley Pygott. The first training venue was the Silverdale Community Hall. At this time the club was know as Hibiscus Coast Taekwon-Do. After getting off to a slow start the club grew in numbers until in 1994 we could no longer fit in the hall.
So, in February 1995, they moved to Dairy Flat Primary School. Unfortunately this was too remote for most of their students and the club numbers dwindled. This forced them to move in July 1998 to their current location, Red Beach Primary School.
In 2004, the club had to move to Orewa College while the Red Beach Hall was being used as classrooms. The club then returned back to Red Beach Primary in 2005.
In 2002 Hibiscus Coast Taekwon-Do changed its name to Jungshin Taekwon-Do because Mr Pygott wanted our name to reflect the fact that Taekwon-Do is more than just a physical martial art, as it also has a large portion of mental training. The term Taekwon-Do Jungshin can be found in the Encyclopaedia of Taekwon-Do and translates in the Tenets of Taekwon-Do. In Korean, the word Jungshin roughly translates to mentality, spirituality, mind.
In 2008 Jungshin Red Beach and Stanmore Bay both started their Mini-Kids classes while continuing with their other Kids classes.
From Jungshin Taekwon-Do several other clubs sprouted:
Jungshin Stanmore Bay was established in February 1996 at the Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre by Mrs Shirley Pygott. The club has always catered for kids and has produced some great students over the years, it still operates today.
Jungshin Rosmini was established in February 2002, by Mr Vince Pygott. This club was for students of Rosmini College and did well over the years until it eventually closed in November 2014.
In 2005, Mr Vaughan Rae the then current instructor at Glenfield Taekwon-Do had to move on. So, in January 2006 Mr Vince Pygott took over the club, Glenfield becoming the 3rd Jungshin Club. Prior to this the Glenfield club had been instructed by many instructors, the first being Master Paul McPhail who established the club in the early 1980's.
During 2007 Mr Matthew Davey, a student from Jungshin Red-Beach, transitioned into being the instructor taking over full time in 2008 when Mr Pygott took a back seat. At this time the club was training out of Windy Ridge Primary School. The club moved to St Barnabas Church in 2012 and stayed there untill 2021 when the club moved again to it's current venue at Glenfield College.
Jungshin Whangaparaoa was established in January 2008 by Mr Pygott at the Whangaparaoa College. Then during 2009 Mr Casale, a student from Jungshin Red Beach, transitioned into being the full-time instructor. Unfortunatly the club had to close December 2011 when Mr Casale left the country.
In 2010, Mrs Liz Tee and Ms Karen Davey opened Shore Kids at Long Bay Primary School. Mrs Tee was a student of Mr Davey and Ms Davey had been a student of Mr Pygott. In 2014 when Mrs Tee and Ms Davey were unable to continue instructing the club, Mr and Mrs Pygott took over to ensure the club kept going and in 2015 Mr Pygott took over the club full-time renaming it Jungshin Long Bay. Miss Crossley who has been assisting at the club for the last few years will be taking over as instructor, once she achieves her black belt.
In 2010 Mr Davey opened a school club at Kristin School in Albany, this was for students of the school to try Taekwon-Do and learn the basic skills involved. Th club numbers had fluctuated over the years, but had always kept a good base number throughout. The club closed in 2018 when Mr Davey moved out of the area.
In 2012, Mr Adam Herbison, a student of Mr Pygott at Jungshin Red Beach, started up Jungshin Warkworth. The club grew in size very quickly over the next couple of years. However Mr Herbison moved to Auckland to study and the club started to struggle.
The club was closed at the start of 2017 but was then re started in 2018 with Mr Davey as the instructor. Since then the club has grown again to around 50 students.

Kids Classes
Kids classes are where fun and participation is encouraged, while the basic skills of Taekwon-do are being taught.
Family Classes
Our families classes cater for family groups with members of all ages, divided into junior and senior groups.
Senior Classes
Our senior members train with a mixture of physical conditioning and technical knowledge.